Microsoft Edge users report boot problems after update

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Many Windows users are unable to start Microsoft Edge after updating to version 105. The problem could be solved by removing some values ​​in the registry. Microsoft plans to update the browser next week with a fix.

Microsoft released version 105 of its Edge browser on Thursday. That version contains some security updates, including changes to the browser’s enhanced security mode. However, some users were unable to launch the browser after updating, after which the complaints rained on Microsoft’s forums.

The German Deskmodder also saw these complaints and has a workaround found for the problem. According to Deskmodder, Windows users should open the Registry Editor in Windows and then look for MetricsReportingEnabled. The values ​​that are then found can then be removed to allow the Edge browser to restart correctly. A Microsoft representative acknowledged the issue and suggested on Twitter that an update to the Edge browser is coming next week that should fix the problem.

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