Microsoft Announces Gears 5 Multiplayer Test

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Microsoft will make it possible to test Gears 5’s multiplayer mode over two weekends in July. Players can then try out different game modes, in what Microsoft calls the Versus Multiplayer Tech Test.

From July 17, it will be possible to download the multiplayer mode of Gears 5 as long as users meet the necessary requirements; To play the multiplayer version, an Xbox One with Xbox Live or a PC with Windows 10, where the game must already be pre-ordered, or where the player has access to Xbox Game Pass, Microsoft has announced.

Those who meet these requirements and can download the game, can then play the game in multiplayer mode for a whole weekend from July 19. After that, it will be possible to play the game again on the weekend of July 26. In the meantime, the servers will be offline and thus cannot be played, although the game can be downloaded.

Different game modes can be tried out during the so-called Versus Multiplayer Tech Test. This concerns Escalation for competitive players, or Arcade for what Microsoft calls a more ‘accessible’ style of play. In addition, there is another King Of The Hill mode to try out.

Microsoft already announced during the E3 fair that it will release Gears 5 in September, and also announced the arrival of the multiplayer test. At the time, however, the company only spoke of a test for the Arcade mode on July 17, which now appears to be a more extensive test.

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