Man gets four months in prison for offering phishing panels via Telegram

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The police judge has imposed a prison sentence of four months, two of which are conditional, with a probation period of two years on a man who possessed phishing panels and offered them via Telegram. The Public Prosecution Service had demanded a prison sentence of six months, two of which were conditional.

According to the Public Prosecution Service the man had several phishing panels available between November 2021 and January 2022 and rented out at least two of them. The man offered the phishing panels via Telegram. The police tracked down the man by indicating that he wanted to rent a panel, a so-called pseudo purchase.

A phishing panel is used by criminals to obtain data from victims in order to commit payment request fraud. Criminals regularly copy well-known websites, such as Tikkie and other payment platforms. The URLs on these fake sites link to fake banking sites, inadvertently giving victims access to their data.

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