Lego comes with Minecraft competitor

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Lego comes with a game that is very reminiscent of Minecraft. In the world, players can design their own game world, just like in Minecraft, although the emphasis seems to be on creativity, not survival. The game is already playable, but it is a test version.

Lego has already released the game via Steam, through the Early Access program, which allows to play games that are not yet finished. Also on that point the game resembles Minecraft: that game was available for download long before the first stable version. Players have to pay 15 euros for the game, which is currently only available on Windows.

In Lego Worlds, players can design their own game world, just like in Minecraft. However, they do not have to survive, which makes the game mainly comparable to the creative mode of Minecraft. In addition, players can work larger amounts of terrain at once, and use vehicles.

Right now Lego Worlds is still a single player game, but that should change in the future. Players should also be given the option to change the appearance of their game character, which is also not possible at this time.

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