Japanese government is tired of live streamers

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Content creators tend to have a soft spot for Japan. As Nikkei reports , for years they have been coming from different parts of the world to portray their fascinating culture . The thing is that the Asian country, unlike many others, combines in an extraordinary way ancient traditions and avant-garde trends that reach technology, art and even architecture.

This formula, seemingly so irresistible, has made the presence of streamers, youtubers and tiktokres something common on the streets of some cities. And, although an army of teenagers has not yet been seen camping out to make videos as happens in China, certain activities in bad taste seem to be trying the patience of the authorities, who have spoken out on the matter.

Japan’s Cabinet Secretary’s Complaint

Recently, the leader of Japan’s Cabinet Secretariat, Hirokazu Matsuno, made a strong statement about the content creators that fill some parts of the country. “Of course, we must guarantee the freedom of YouTube users, but we must also refrain from invading the privacy of others and causing problems,” he said, according to Asahi TV .

The official’s comments come shortly after American YouTuber Ramsey Khalid Ismael, known by his nickname Johnny Somali, was arrested by Japanese police authorities. The 23-year-old was broadcasting his trip across the country for approximately a month through Kick, but his actions caused discomfort and indignation among many.

Ramsey dedicated part of his time to throwing offensive words against Japanese people on public roads. In one of the broadcasts, reported by local media Asahi , he entered a building under construction in Nipponbashi without permission and, when asked by workers to leave, he began shouting “Fukushima!” . Such behavior resulted in a charge of criminal trespass.

What followed for the American streamer was his arrest and later that of Jeremiah Dwane Branch, who was allegedly his cameraman. This episode would have been the trigger that caused Matsuno’s reaction. He has to wait, for now, to find out if the Government official’s statements will lead to some type of measure to keep the situation under control.

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