Intel releases processors this year with hardware fix for Specter and Meltdown

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Intel will release processors this year with performance changes that make them immune to the Specter and Meltdown vulnerabilities that have affected processors from decades past. Intel announced this during the discussion of the quarterly figures.

Intel CEO Brian Krzanich said when discussing the quarterly results with analysts that it is not about processors with the patches, but changes in the functioning of the processors. “We are in the process of making silicon-based changes to future products that directly address the threat of Specter and Meltdown in hardware. Those products will be released this year.”

It is the first time that the chip designer speaks of a term, when processors with a hardware fix for Specter and Meltdown will contain. It is still unknown how exactly Intel will implement those changes.

Intel posted quarterly revenue of more than $7 billion, its quarterly figures show, up 4 percent from the same period in 2016. Operating income came in at $5.4 billion, up from $4.5 billion the year. before.

Update, 11:24: Like tweaker Witen noticeIntel previously confirmed that it would release processors with a hardware fix this year. CEO Steven Smith said this in an Intel meeting with analysts about the leaks. “You can do that [veranderingen, red.] as refinements so that the operating system and firmware have to do less of the heavy lifting. We build these kinds of updates into our hardware in a way that it’s more transparent to the software. You will see the first of these products this calendar year.”

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