Intel Core i7-12700H benchmark results appear in Geekbench database

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Details and benchmark results of an Intel Core i7-12700H laptop CPU have appeared in the Geekbench database. This processor has 14 cores and 20 threads. Intel’s Alder Lake processors for laptops are expected to arrive early next year.

The unannounced Intel Core i7-12700H has surfaced in a Gigabyte Aero 5 XD notebook, noted Twitter user BenchLeaks on. VideoCardz previously also found an HP Omen laptop with this processor on Geekbench. The processor has six fast P-cores with hyperthreading, and eight energy-efficient E-cores without hyperthreading. This brings the total to fourteen cores and twenty threads.

The CPU also has a base clock between 2.45 and 2.69 GHz. The maximum turbo frequency on the Gigabyte laptop was about 4.59GHz. The CPU reached a clock speed of up to 4.17GHz in the HP notebook. The laptop also has 24MB L3 cache.

The Gigabyte and HP models achieved single-core scores of 1340 and 1328, and multicore scores of 11,138 and 10,517, respectively. The previous Intel Core i7-11800H achieves single and multicore scores of 1474 and 7958, while those results with an AMD Ryzen 9 5800H are 1326 and 7038 respectively, VideoCardz writes. This makes the new 12700H comparable in terms of single-threaded performance, but the multithreaded performance in Geekbench seems to be higher than current CPUs. Intel is expected to announce its twelfth-generation laptop processors at CES in January.

It is also notable that this processor appears in the Geekbench database. Earlier this year, the developer of Geekbench announced that it would be banning unannounced hardware from its online database. It would still be possible to test pre-release hardware via Geekbench, but the results would no longer be publicly available. This Intel Core i7-12700H seems to have slipped through this filter.

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