Instagram fixes sound bug on exported Reels in iOS version

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Instagram has fixed a sound bug in the iOS version of the app, writes The Verge, among others. Due to the bug, the sound was missing in exported videos. This happened with videos that were exported to TikTok, among other things.

The bug was primarily disruptive to creators who use Reels to edit videos and then export them to TikTok, for example. Earlier this month, The Verge noted that when the user tried to download an edited clip to their iPhone, the audio of the clip disappeared. This issue did not occur with Reels that were first posted on Instagram and then shared on other platforms. Before the end of July, however, it was possible to download the clip with sound and use it in another app without first posting it to Instagram.

In a response to the article, a spokesperson for Instagram parent company Meta told The Verge working on a solution. With this, the spokesperson contradicted that the lack of sound in exported clips was intentional. Looks like Instagram has solved the problem, writes the site.

Meta is trying to compete with TikTok, which had one billion global users by September 2021. Earlier this year, Instagram made changes to its feed, making the app more like TikTok. The changes were heavily criticized by users, who complained about the loud videos in their feed and the lack of content from their friends, among other things. In response to criticism, the changes have been temporarily rolled back.

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