Infrastructure computer association HCC has been hit by extensive attack

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The computer association HCC was the victim of a serious attack on its ICT infrastructure on Tuesday. Due to the attack, the association’s sites are offline and according to the organization, hardware may even need to be replaced.

According to the HCC, the attack caused a lot of damage, both hardware and software. The association certifies that all software and firmware were up-to-date. Not only the main page of the association of computer users, but also that of the various groups, the FAQ, HCC forums and Kadernet are offline. In addition, the membership administration cannot use a number of systems.

The organization says it is working hard to rectify the situation and replace hardware where necessary. The HCC does not want to provide an explanation of the attack. “Everything we currently have to report is in the post on Facebook.” The organization emphasizes that webmail from HCC-net can still be accessed, because this e-mail service has not been affected.

HCC stands for Hobby Computer Club. Founded in 1977, it is one of the oldest computer associations in the world. The association became well known through the HCC days, which attracted more than one hundred thousand visitors in the 2000s. In 2015, the ‘senior academy’ section was hit by the theft of member data.

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