Image shows LG’s first Windows Phone 8.1 smartphone

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Professional Evleaks has put an image online of a possible new LG smartphone that runs on Windows Phone 8.1. The device would bear the name Uni8. In the render of the device, the smartphone does not seem to have hardware buttons on the front.

In February, Microsoft announced during the Mobile World Congress telecom fair that at least nine brands would come with new Windows Phone devices, including Lenovo, LG and ZTE. LG kept quiet about its plans for a Windows Phone device after this announcement, but a published render from Evleaks now seems clear that LG is working on a smartphone that runs on Windows Phone 8.1.

LG’s new device would have the Uni8 designation. It is still unclear how large the screen is and which soc will be used, while nothing is known about other specifications. The Uni8 does not have hardware buttons on the front and a separate camera button on the side is also missing in the render.

The Uni8 is not LG’s first Windows Phone device; The company made the Optimus 7 E900, among others. This smartphone was introduced in 2010 and ran on Windows Phone 7.5. However, LG focuses primarily on releasing Android devices.

Update Wednesday, 14.45: It’s probably a hoax. The image on the device turns out a standard WP 8.1 screenshot.

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