IDC: top five smartphone makers control more than 70 percent of the market

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The top five smartphone makers control more than 70 percent of the market. So says market researcher IDC. According to the market researcher, it is the first time that five manufacturers have so much market share together.

The share of all other smartphone makers outside the top five fell from 34 to 28 percent in one year, IDC says. All manufacturers outside the top five delivered about 103 million smartphones in the summer quarter, IDC estimates. These include manufacturers such as Sony, LG, Lenovo-Motorola, BlackBerry, HTC and Google. The top five are Samsung, Huawei, Apple, Xiaomi and Oppo.

Of the top five, Huawei had the largest growth. According to IDC, this was mainly because the manufacturer is making more copies of models that came out just before the start of the trade ban in May. In addition, it has found a trick to release old phones as new models in Europe, including new designs and cameras. In addition, it has focused more on the Chinese market, where it has seen significant growth due to good relationships with retailers. Samsung’s shipments also grew, mainly due to the Galaxy Note 10 and increased sales of Galaxy A phones.

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