Hundreds of Developers Sign Open Letter to GitHub

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Hundreds of developers have signed an open letter to GitHub complaining about the site’s attitude toward them. They believe that GitHub is ignoring them and not responding to suggestions for improvements to the site.

The developers say they are frustrated, despite the fact that GitHub has done a lot for the open source community. Among the more than 450 signatories of the open letter are the maintainers of projects such as jQuery, TypeScript and nvm. They also find that the site hardly responds to suggestions that come from the users.

One of the most common problems would be that created issues often miss crucial information, because there is no possibility to create your own fields and ensure that these are also filled in. In addition, common issues would often only be commented with ‘+1’ by users, which would entail major disadvantages. The developers are therefore asking for a better system for voting. The developers close by saying that if GitHub itself were open source, they could fix these issues themselves.

GitHub is a popular site that allows developers to collaborate on open source software projects. It is possible to use both free and paid accounts.

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