HTC gives Viveport support for Windows MR headsets

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HTC is giving its download store Viveport support for Windows Mixed Reality headsets. The manufacturer has announced this. Users of Windows VR headsets can also subscribe to the Viveport Infinity game service.

Of the 600 titles that Viveport Infinity subscribers can play for a fixed monthly fee, 200 are available for Windows MR headsets, HTC reports. The manufacturer does not disclose how many of the 1,700 titles in the download store are available for the Windows platform.

Windows MR headsets are available from Acer, Lenovo and Dell, among others, and they run on a variant of Windows 10 for ‘mixed reality’. These headsets are all about VR headsets like HTC makes themselves with the Vive, although Microsoft’s Hololens itself also falls under the name Mixed Reality.

In addition to the Vive, Viveport Infinity also works on the Oculus Rift of competitor Facebook. A subscription costs 15 euros per month or 114 euros per year and has been available since March.

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