HTC comes with VR headset with its own screen for U11 smartphone
HTC has announced the Link headset for its U11 smartphone in Japan. The VR headset has its own screens; OLED panels with the same specifications as those in the HTC Vive. The software runs on the phone and an external camera is used for tracking.
The HTC Link comes with two controllers and based on the images, the Taiwanese manufacturer uses a system with LEDs to track the VR headset and the glasses with a camera. The PlayStation VR works in a similar way.
According to HTC, the Link has two 6DoF sensors, so that all movements of the user can be translated into the virtual environment. To use the VR headset, it must be connected to the HTC U11 smartphone with a USB-C cable. The HTC Link headset does not work with other Android smartphones.
The HTC Link weighs 554 grams and has a battery with a capacity of 2800mAh. The headset contains two 3.6″ OLED panels, each with a resolution of 1080×1200 pixels and a refresh rate of 90Hz. This means that the HTC Link has the same screens as the HTC Vive and Oculus Rift. The field of view of 110 degrees is also the same.
HTC has announced the Link in Japan and the VR headset seems to be only available there for the time being. When the headset will appear and at what price is not yet known.