How To Send New Year’s wish 2020 with WhatsApp or Messages

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The first thing you do when the clock is at 12 o’clock during New Year’s Eve? Wish the people around you a fantastic 2020, uncork the champagne with a bang and then light fireworks. And then it’s time to grab your iPhone and send New Year’s wishes to family and friends. With a matching and festive image, of course!

New Year’s wish 2020 WhatsApp

  • Open a chat in which you want to send a New Year’s wish.
  • In the chat window, tap the square with the folded corner.
  • Make sure that “GIF” is selected at the bottom
  • You now see all kinds of moving pictures that you can tap. Tap the loupe at the bottom left.
  • Now you can search for a nice picture! It works with search terms such as “happy new year”, “fireworks” and “2020”. You will find even more with English search terms!
  • Tap on a nice picture, add a caption if necessary and tap send.

New Year’s wish with fireworks via Messages

With the Messages app you can send full-screen animations in just a few taps and swipes, for example with fireworks. But with New Year, Apple makes it very easy for you. That is how it works:

  • Open the Messages app.
  • Type “Happy New Year” and tap the send button.

Your message will be sent automatically with fireworks!

Do you want to type something more original than “Happy New Year”, but also with fireworks in the background? That is also possible, but requires a little more work. It goes like this:

  • Write your message.
  • Press the shipping arrow for longer or harder.
  • Under Send with effect, tap “Screen” and swipe through the available effects.
  • If you are using the “send with fireworks” effect, tap the send button and your smashing message will be sent with flares.
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