How to remove all inactive facebook friends

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Finding and removing inactive friends one by one is a time-consuming task. Fortunately, there are many tools available that can make is task very easy. Some of these tools are as under:-

1 – Multiple Tools for Facebook – Chrome Extension

Click HERE to read our article on Multiple Tools for Facebook – Chrome Extension

2 – FriendFilter

FriendFilter is a tool to remove inactive friends. FriendFilter is simple to use!

  1. Open FriendFilter App
  2. Connect your Facebook account
  3. Install our Chrome Extension
  4. Let FriendFilter scan the previous 90 days of engagement

The FriendFilter extension will scan your Facebook page through your browser and report on who is engaging with your page and who is not.

Using FriendFilter Pro, you will be able to find the friends who are engaging with your posts, and remove the friends who are not engaging

The FriendFilter extension is free to download and run the report!

With Friend Filter Pro, the application will give you access to whitelist your friends and add people to your TO BE REMOVED tab.

Then you can set the system to go find the connections on Facebook who are not engaging, and they will automatically be added to your TO BE DELETED column.

With FriendFilter Pro, you can manage your list every month, keeping your friends list clean and making room for new friends.

3 – Remove Friends On Facebook

Remove Friends On Facebook is a productivity app that helps you manage your friends on Facebook. Remove Friends For Facebook allows you to find, select & remove/unfriend selected inactive friends quickly & easily on Facebook with one click.

4 – Smart Friends Remover for Facebook

Smart Friends Remover for Facebook is another extension to Mass delete all FB friends in seconds. Unfriend inactive friends. Select or Deselect a friend, Number of mutual friends, Count messages, Number of comments from your personal feed, Number of likes/reactions for every friend, Advanced friends ranking and One click and all selected friends start deleting are some features of this extension.

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