Hearthstone now has 100 million players

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Blizzard has announced that the online card game Hearthstone has passed the 100 million player mark. It’s unclear how many of these players are actually active and whether the developer has factored in duplicate accounts.

Blizzard is taking advantage of reaching 100 million players to come up with some perks for the entire player base. For example, anyone who logs in between November 7 and 11 will receive six free card packs from The Boomsday Project. Players can also earn up to five hundred virtual gold pieces by repeating the so-called Celebrate the Players quest up to five times.

Hearthstone is still growing significantly. Compared to February 2015, when the game still had 25 million players, the game has quadrupled in size in terms of total player base. In May 2015, the number already rose to 30 million, followed by 50 million registered accounts in April 2016 and in May 2017 the number reached 70 million. Hearthstone came out in the spring of 2014.

Blizzard announced at Blizzcon that the next Hearthstone expansion will revolve around the Trolls and will be called Rastakhan’s Rumble. That name is derived from King Rastakhan, a Shaman Hero and the leader of the Zandalari kingdom of the Trolls. The expansion gets 135 new cards, an overkill mechanic, and a new single-player adventure called Rumble Run.

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