HBO Max only sees household members as ‘authorized users’

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HBO Max has changed its terms of use. Previously, “authorized users” of an HBO Max account meant “members of your immediate family or household,” but that now only includes household members.

‘Authorized users’ refer to profiles that may be created on one HBO Max account. Standing first in the terms of use that authorized users “are limited to members of your immediate family or household,” but “immediate family” has now been removed. The new version of the terms of use also states that HBO Max may “set limits” on the number of devices users can use at any time. The streaming service states that this can be done, among other things, ‘to limit the impact of sharing accounts outside households’.

In addition, it has been added that users abroad can still use the service with the same content at no extra cost, but only if they are in an EEA country. “This access is only available if you are temporarily in another EEA country and we can verify that your country of residence is in the EEA.”

Furthermore, under the heading ‘Downloads’ it has been added that pre-downloaded content is only available ‘in certain countries’. Currently, users can already play downloaded content anywhere, even in countries where HBO Max itself is not available. The new terms of use will take effect on the next renewal date of the streaming service.

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