Hands-on with Call of Duty Black Ops 4

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During Gamescom we were allowed to play the new Call of Duty Black Ops 4 . Treyarch had made the new Arsenal folder available for play. I was allowed to do a Team Death Match in 5 V 5 mode. However, I was allowed to take the match and at the bottom you can check him, although I would rather not do this given the results. In my defense, I am a PC gamer in heart and soul and had to work with a PS4 controller there 😉 (i know, sad excuse ….)

The gameplay itself felt great and the speed was good. It certainly plays rapper than the current COD that takes place in WW2 and is, in my opinion, a good move. Less twitchy than that futuristic shooter with jetpacks, but again the old feel like I was used to in Modern Warfare 1 and 2. Graphically it was fine too, but at the fair everything runs on the thickest hardware, so we will have to go further judge if we can really review the game in October. Arsenal was otherwise quite a nice folder. It is a relatively small map, but with different height levels so that sufficient passages arise to surprise your enemies.

Black Ops 4 will be the first COD game to have a Battle Royale mode called Blackout. This mode will be available as beta in early September and unfortunately we could not test it at the fair.

Call of Duty Black Ops 4 will release on October 12, 2018 on PC, PS4, XB One.

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