Halo remains playable online after GameSpy servers shut down

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Both Halo and Mortal Kombat 9 will remain playable online after the Gamespy master servers go offline. At a forum, one of the people responsible for Halo’s migration announced the news. The developers of Mortal Kombat broke the news via Facebook.

According to Halo Fixes user ‘Technut’ works he and three others are currently working on code for a new master server for the first Halo game. Roger Wolfson, software developer at Bungie, would be part of the team, among other things. Once the code is ready, Bungie will host the new master server itself and update the game to version 1.0.10. With that update, the game’s multiplayer, which came to PC in 2003, will continue to be available after the Gamespy master servers have been disabled.

The PS3, Xbox 360, and PC versions of Mortal Kombat 9 are currently being migrated according to a post on the game’s Facebook page. It is expected that for some time, players may find that the game’s online features are not working properly. The PlayStation Vita version of Mortal Kombat 9 will only support ad-hoc multiplayer after May 31.

EA released a list of fifty games on Monday that will no longer be playable online due to the shutdown of the Gamespy master server. This also includes a number of Battlefield titles. 2K games will pull the plug on the PS3 versions of Borderlands and Civilization: Revolution, and the Social Club functions will also disappear from all Rockstar games.

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