Hackers stole data from 21.5 million people from US government

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According to US officials, hackers have stolen the data of 21.5 million people who work or have worked for the government. That number is in addition to the data theft of 4 million people, which was previously discovered.

A US government spokesman revealed that hackers who broke into the systems of the Office of Personnel Management last year stole as many as 21.5 million people. The databases of this government body contain personal data of people who have been subject to background checks, for example because they wanted to work for the government and had to undergo screening. The systems also contain data from family and friends of persons who have undergone such a background check.

The hack took place last year, but the exact environment of the theft had not yet been disclosed. Incidentally, the OPM’s systems had already been invaded before: the US government had already reported this theft, of which a total of 4.2 million people were victims. However, the figure of 21.5 million stolen data is separate from this hack.

Incidentally, there have been rumors before that the number of 4.2 million people affected by the government was a significant underestimate of the total size of the theft. These rumours, from sources within the US government, spoke of the theft of the data of 9 to 14 million people. This number appears to be underestimated as well.

It is one of the largest hacks ever in the US government in terms of scope and to our knowledge. The White House says foreign hackers are behind the data theft. According to government sources, it specifically concerns Chinese state hackers, they reported to The Washington Post. China and the United States have been engaged in a cyber war for some time. The US also claims that it regularly suffers from Russian state hackers.

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