Hackers Steal Season 5 of Orange Is The New Black – Update

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A group of hackers has managed to obtain a copy of the fifth season of the popular series Orange Is The New Black. The group, under the name, TheDarkOverlord, wants to see money from the publishers; otherwise it threatens to put the content online.

The first episode of season five of Orange Is The New Black has already appeared on piracy websites, with which TheDarkOverlord wants to show that it has the content in its hands. If the hacker group does not receive any money, it will also put the rest of the season online. Netflix, which owns the rights to the hit series, planned to release season five in June.

According to TorrentFreak, the hackers managed to penetrate the servers of a post-production company called Larson Studio. The hacking group would have already been in talks with this company about paying a “ransom” to prevent a release, one of the group members said in a chat with TorrentFreak. However, those talks seem to have been fruitless.

Now TheDarkOverlord seems to be targeting the publishers. Netflix, among others, has been approached to transfer money to the hackers. The hacking group further states that it has much more video content, but it is not known exactly what it has. TheDarkOverlord has performed several such hacks in the past, where after stealing information or content, it tries to extort the companies in question.

Update 12:11 am: TheDarkOverlord has now also uploaded episodes two through ten of Orange Is The New Black.

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