Hackers: Mt. Gox committed fraud

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Hackers who say they have broken into systems of the bankrupt bitcoin exchange Mt. Gox claim that the stock market has committed fraud. In addition, the complete database of Mt. Gox for sale, including scans of users’ passports.

A database of balances of all customers would indicate that Mt. Gox still has more than 950,000 bitcoins in cash, writes Forbes. The attackers posted database dumps and screenshots of them on the personal blog of Mark Karpeles, the CEO of Mt. gox. That blog has since been taken offline.

Rick Falkvinge, founder of the Swedish Pirate Party, tweets that his data in the database dumps appears to be correct. That is not to say that there is actually fraud: Mt. Gox claims it was convinced until recently that the bitcoins were still in its possession. The Bitcons had already been captured while they were still on the balance sheet. A developer working on cryptocurrencies, tweet incidentally, that the database dump appears to contain malware.

At the same time, a user on the BitcoinTalk forum posted a post claiming the 20GB database of Mt. to have stolen Gox. He offered it for sale for 100 bitcoins, in his own words to compensate for the loss he suffered from the bankruptcy of Mt. gox. The database would contain, among other things, personal data of users, including passport scans. mt. Gox required it before customers could create a verified account. The post has now been deleted.

Last week, the bitcoin exchange went bankrupt, according to a large theft in which 750,000 bitcoins were stolen from users. Last Tuesday, the stock market went completely offline. Users’ bitcoins represent a value of 343 million euros. mt. Gox himself lost another 100,000 bitcoin, with a value of 46 million euros.

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