Google will show price information in-app purchases in the Play Store

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Google plans to start showing pricing information about in-app purchases in the Play Store. If an app offers the possibility to make these kinds of purchases, the prices will be shown on the overview page of the app.

The company has disclosed this to developers via the Google Play Developer Console, Droid Life reports. In this way, Android users are better informed about the actual cost of installing an app. Information about one-time purchases as well as about subscriptions will be shown. The change will be implemented on September 30, Apple has had similar functionality in its App Store for some time now.

Both Apple and Google have been criticized for problems with in-app purchases, many apps are presented as free but are actually not. Apple even had to pay back 24 million euros to parents of children who had made many in-app purchases without permission. Both companies are under pressure from the European Union to improve the user experience regarding in-app purchases.

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