Google will give the Pixel 2 phones the latest security update in December. After that, only the Pixel 3, 3a, 4 and 4a will receive updates, in addition to the new models. With that, the Pixel 2 has received three years and two months of support. Google tells Android Police that the Pixel 2 will not get a November update, but will receive a final update in December. Google originally promised support until at least this month, but a few months will be added. That also happened last year with the first generation of Pixel phones from 2016. The Pixel 2 did get Android 11, while last year that did not happen with the first generation of Pixels with Android 10. Google still promises three years of updates and upgrades for its Phones. That was relatively long at the time of the release of the Pixel 2 on Android, but many manufacturers now promise the same. The largest of these is Samsung, which promises three version upgrades on its high-end models since the S10, in addition to three years of updates. Competitor Apple makes no promises, but provides updates for five years on many iPhones.
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