Google will add security label to VPN apps in Play Store

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Google will now equip independently verified VPN apps from the Play Store with a security label. The American company wants to indicate that the VPN apps meet a security standard for mobile apps.

VPN apps that receive the new label have according to Google passed an App Defense Alliance audit. The App Defense Alliance is a partnership consisting of various security companies and Google in 2019 was created to examine the security of Android apps. The App Defense Alliance checks the security of apps through its own evaluation method: the Mobile App Security Assessment.

According to Google, the security label will also come to other app categories at a later date. VPN apps are reportedly first in line because, according to the American company, they process a significant amount of sensitive data.

Users who search for a VPN app through the Google Play Store will also be informed about the label. Google will show a banner between the search results with a mention of the label and additional information.

Security label on VPN apps in Google Play Store – Source: Google

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