Google unites bug bounty programs in new platform

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Google introduces a new platform on which it unites all its bug bounty programs, called Bug Hunters. With this initiative, the search giant wants to stimulate the search for bugs and vulnerabilities and make its services more secure.

Google Bug Hunters includes the bug bounty programs from Google, Android, Abuse, Chrome and Google Play. According to Google, the new platform should make it easier to report vulnerabilities and bugs to the company.

The search giant is adding improvements that make it more attractive to search for bugs and then report them to Google. Publishing the bugs will also be improved. There will also be national leaderboards, awards and badges on Google Bug Hunters to make the process more fun and ‘healthily competitive’. Users are also encouraged through the new Bug Hunter University to learn about bugs and then get better.

Google reports on its blog page that it introduced its first bug bounty program for Chromium ten years ago. Since then, it has solved 11 055 bugs through notifications and thanks 2 022 researchers. More than $29 million was paid out in ten years.

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