Google to show search results for ‘digital doctors’

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Google will make it more transparent within its search engine and Maps which doctors offer the option of a digital consultation. For the time being, this is a pilot that will be carried out in the United States.

The internet giant has put a blog post online explaining the new possibilities. For example, healthcare institutions such as general practices are given the option to add to their company profile that they offer digital care. Then a link will appear on the page with the text “Get online care”. This gives users the opportunity to schedule a digital doctor’s visit. Incidentally, this is done via the healthcare provider’s online platform; Google itself does not offer any options for this.

Google will also add links to digital care help for some search terms. Also available related information is shown, such as the costs for a digital consultation.

The new options are being added because it is no longer possible for many doctors to just drop by during consultation hours due to the corona virus. Many GPs therefore choose to use a form of telemedicine, whereby a consultation is done remotely, for example with video calling.

For now, the new options for healthcare providers will only be available in the United States; a pilot is being carried out there with digital care. It has not yet been announced when Google will also make digital doctor visits possible outside the United States.

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