Google shows related results from browsing history in US

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Google has started a feature where users in the US get results from their browsing history. That should make it easier to continue with a search, the search giant reasons.

The feature works in the mobile browser and app when users are signed in, Google reports. Then the search engine shows a card at the top with the text ‘your related activity’, which is collapsed by default. The expanded version shows which search-related link the user visited and when.

Users can also create their own collections of links on a particular topic that they want to keep for later reading. The function only works for links and searches on specific concrete topics such as photography or cooking. Users can also turn the feature off.

Showing recent links from the browsing history has so far only gone live in Google’s home country of the United States. Whether and when the function will be available in the Benelux is unknown for the time being.

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