Google sees a 13 percent increase in paid clicks on ads

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Google has released its figures for the past quarter, which show that the number of paid clicks on advertisements has increased. Sales from Nexus devices were lower, but sales of the Nexus 6 smartphone would still run well.

The results of the first quarter of 2015 have been put online by Google. Paid clicks on ads served by Google grew 13 percent in the past three months compared to the same period a year earlier. However, the amounts that advertisers have to pay per click decreased by 7 percent, which somewhat compensates for the increased number of clicks.

In the previous quarterly figures, Google said that the disappointing financial figures were partly due to a lack of stock Nexus 6 smartphones. During the discussion of the quarterly figures, Google announced that these inventory problems have been resolved, although revenue from Nexus smartphones was disappointing. Exact numbers were not given. Furthermore, Google released to have earned more with the Play Store, in which apps, videos and songs are sold, among other things.

In the past quarter, a turnover of 17.3 billion dollars was achieved, equivalent to almost 16 billion euros. That is an increase of 17 percent compared to the same period a year earlier. Profits came in at $4.45 billion, which is 26 percent more than a year earlier. Google claims to have suffered from the strong appreciation of the dollar, which resulted in lower sales than expected.

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