Google releases first test version of Android N

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Google has released the first test version of Android N, the next version of its mobile operating system. The test version includes some new features, including native support for split-screen multitasking.

The split screen feature in Android N allows users to use two apps at the same time. The function also works on smartphones, but will be especially useful for tablets. Manufacturer Samsung has had a split screen feature in its Android version since 2012, but Google had not yet set it as standard in Android. To enable the feature, apps must add an attribute android:resizableActivity, which contains the scaling and capabilities of apps.

In addition, notifications look different and are grouped by app. Google has changed battery saver Doze and it now works even when the screen is off, but the device is in motion. This function should save the battery even more.

Google has also added a Data Saver function to Android N. The release of the test version stands out because Google has been doing this for several years at its own developer conference I/O. The preview has been released for the Nexus 6p, 5x, 6 and 9 and also for the Pixel C tablet. Users can install the preview from the PC via an installer file, then updates come over-the-air from the Android Beta Program, Google’s new program for distributing Android test versions.

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