Google Maps lets users share directions via Android app

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In the upcoming Maps version for Android, Google will introduce a new feature that makes it possible to share directions with others via the app. It may vary by device when the new Android app becomes available.

In version 9.3 of Google Maps, if users have planned a route, they will have the option to share the directions with others. There is a separate option for that. You can share directions via various apps, such as Facebook and WhatsApp. However, it is also possible to send instructions via text messages, e-mails or as an HTML file to other devices via Bluetooth.

Only textual descriptions will be forwarded. Google first lists the time and the distance the user has to cover. Subsequently, it is described in steps which route the user should take next. Finally, a link is generated that a user can click to be redirected to the Google Maps service. The link works in both web browsers and Android devices.

For example, the new feature can be used to share directions with people who do not have the Google Maps app or who temporarily do not have access to the internet. Someone can also prepare a route for someone else. The other person then only has to read the instructions or click on the link to see the directions.

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