Google makes improvements to Nearby Share and comes with new features

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Google makes sharing files with its own Android devices easier via Nearby Share. It will also be possible to set your own sounds as notifications when an Android device picks up ambient sounds that need to be warned.

Through the Nearby Share update, which will be available in a few weeks, Android devices linked to the same Google account will be able to automatically accept incoming transfers. The devices will also feature prominently in the Nearby Share share menu, which should make sharing files easier. google writes which works to support Nearby Share on other platforms such as Windows. Currently, the sharing feature is supported by Android devices running at least Android 6 and Chromebooks.

android devices to get the ability to set custom audio as a notification when the device detects ambient sounds that need to be warned. The ability to recognize ambient noise was added via a separate app in 2020 introduced. At that time it was not yet possible to make audio recordings yourself and to set these as notifications.

Google also adds some features to its apps. For example, it is rolling out live sharing for Google Meet, allowing up to 100 Meet users to watch YouTube videos and play games together at the same time. Currently, Google Meet supports Uno! Mobile, Kahoot and Heads Up. The feature was still in beta last month. During video calls with a group of people, it will also be possible to pin the video feed of specific people to the top of the window, which will make that user’s stream more visible.

Nearby Share on Google Android

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