Google lets users unlock their phone by voice

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Google has released an update to the Google Play Services app that makes it possible to unlock the phone by saying “Ok Google”. This Trusted Voice unlock comes in addition to the current unlocking options already in Android.

If the voice pattern matches the pattern of the voice stored on the phone, the phone no longer asks for a code and the user automatically lands on the home screen, according to screenshots that Android Police has published.

The option is both in the Google app and under the security options. The Trusted Voice option comes next to Trusted Places, with which the phone does not ask for a code in certain places, and Trusted Devices, where the phone does not ask for a code if there is a connection with, for example, a smartwatch. In addition, Android offers an option for unlocking via facial recognition and on-body detection, where the phone only asks for a code again when the user no longer has the device in hand or in the pocket.

Some users already see the option, while others don’t have it yet. Google does warn that it’s not the safest method of locking because some people may have or can mimic a similar voice pattern. The new feature comes via Google Play Services and thus does not require an update of the entire operating system.

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