Google launches new to-do app Tasks with updated Gmail

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 The Gmail app has changed a lot since this week, with all kinds of welcome new features such as instant viewing of attachments without having to scroll through e-mails, snoozing e-mails, reminders for followups and mails where you still have to respond, the easy cancellation of newsletters from the app and the setting of notification preferences. Many of those options were just as with Smart Reply even in Google Inbox, by the way, but now everyone gets the opportunity to enjoy them.

All very nice, but there is also a whole new app for mobile devices: Tasks. Whereas the to-do functionality of Tasks in the desktop version of the new Gmail has also been adapted and improved, this functionality is now also made possible for mobile users, but in a separate app. If you do not see anything in Gmail anyway, you can click on the gear and see if the ‘try the new Gmail’ option is already available. As with Google, it is not immediately available to everyone, because we could not even view it myself.

Much To Do

On the desktop, tasks are no longer hidden in a window that you had to call separately, but by default on the right side of the screen. You can now add emails to it and from Gmail ,it is also possible to add individual tasks to the app. The advantage increases if you also use Google Calendar because in it (just like in Gmail) the tasks are synchronized, so that you can see at any moment what you still have to do.
This is also the case in mobile apps, but of course you have to be logged in with the same account. That makes Tasks a fine – albeit quite simple – addition for anyone who is already in the Google ecosystem. Hopefully, in time, Google will also add more features, such as sharing tasks with other people in your area or at least for people within your company within the professional G Suite. You can download the app for free Android and iOS .

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