Google confirms Android apps crash due to System WebView issue

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Google has confirmed that an app crashing issue is due to an update to System WebView, an application in Android that apps use to display web content. Gmail, among others, uses that application.

System WebView on the Play Store

A fix is ​​coming, Google tells The Verge. It is unclear when exactly the fix will come. On the Google Workspaces page, Google confirms that at least Gmail has been affected and recommends accessing the desktop version of Gmail via the browser. Samsung says that uninstalling System WebView updates may help.

The crashes are due to an update to System WebView that appeared on the Play Store on March 22 and is installed automatically on many phones. System WebView is an in-app browser that provides a web content frame for many apps. The March 22 update was for “performance improvements and bug fixes,” according to the Play Store listing.

Problems can occur with many types of apps. Users report problems with the ING app, among others, but AlleStoringen also shows problems with the Rabobank app. It is still unknown when the problem will be solved.

Update, 7:48: Google reports on its status page that the issue has been resolved. WebView has been updated to version 89.0.4389.105 and that seems to have solved the problem, reports tweaker PeacekeeperNL.

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