Google Chrome gets option to stream tabs to Hangouts

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Google is going to make it possible to stream open tabs to a Hangouts conversation using the Cast protocol. This new feature will be available from Chrome version 52. As of version 51, Google has built in the option to ‘Cast’ tabs to external devices.

The ability to stream open tabs to Hangouts is part of a feature Google explains on its help pages. According to the internet giant, users can stream their browser tabs to Hangouts and cloud services. There will be a button to enable streaming to cloud services, but it is not clearly explained what is possible with the feature.

Google also states that the option to cast tabs to Hangouts is available from Chrome version 52. Incidentally, references to the new Cast options were already found last year. Currently, Chrome version 52 is still in beta, and when the final version will be released is not yet clear.

From version 51 comes the standard option to cast tabs to external devices. This functionality was introduced earlier, but still had to be turned on manually. It was therefore already expected that the Cast function is now available as standard.

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