Google Cast control by others in the same network will soon be turned off

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Google will add an option to its Home app that will allow users to disable all Android devices on the network from receiving a Cast notification and controls when playing over the Cast protocol.

Android Police discovered that Google describes the functionality on its support page for the Chromecast. To disable notifications and controls, users must access the relevant Cromecast or Google Home via the Home app on an Android device. It can then be set to no longer give all Android devices on the network control over played media. Only the device of the user who gives the Cast command will still work as a remote control.

In the current situation, all Android devices that are on the same network as the Cast device will get a notification when something is playing. This makes it possible, for example, to cast a YouTube video from the Chrome browser on a laptop and then pause or stop the video with an Android smartphone.

Currently, the notification can only be turned off per individual phone or tablet. The new feature, which Google says will be available soon, will not block receiving the Cast notification, but the Cast device playing the media will no longer send notifications and controls to devices on the same network.

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