Google: ‘buy button’ comes to ads in search results

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Google will place a buy button in advertisements in search results, a CEO of the group has confirmed. This allows users to place an order directly via a Google page. This should boost purchases for online stores.

“There’s a buy button coming, it’s imminent,” Google’s chief business officer Omid Kordestani said at an event hosted by the site Recode. The button will be placed next to product advertisements and after a click leads visitors to a web page of Google itself, where they can complete the transaction. Rumors of the buy button’s arrival appeared in The Wall Street Journal in mid-May.

According to Kordestani, Google is trying to solve the problem of retailers that internet users click on product images of advertisements but do not make a purchase. Reducing the number of steps to buy might solve this. Amazon and Twitter, among others, already have so-called buy buttons.

Furthermore, the CEO said that users are increasingly buying mobile products. Searches that yield shopping results ‘nearby’ would have doubled in a year.

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