Google announces Go edition of Android Pie

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Google has announced the Go edition of Android 9.0 Pie. In the new version, the system files take up 500MB less than with the Oreo edition of Android Go. Android Pie Go should be released this fall.

With a storage of 8GB, there is 5.5GB left for users with Android Pie Go, where that is 5GB with Android Oreo Go and 2.5GB with the regular version of Android Pie, Google mentions. This is partly because the American company has further reduced its applications.

In addition, some functions are added. For example, there will be a dashboard for monitoring data usage, something that is also standard in Android. It is not clear what the difference is with the current settings for monitoring data usage. Maps Go will also have navigation available. Files Go will have an option to send files offline.

Google mentions that a hundred manufacturers will release devices with Android Go before the end of the year. Android Go is available on two hundred devices in 120 countries, claims the search giant. Android Go is a light variant with Android, with a focus on using less storage, memory and data. The operating system runs on smartphones with 1GB of RAM or less and users lose less data on updates.

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