Google also wanted to buy GitHub

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Google also wanted to take over GitHub, a top woman has confirmed. There had been rumors before that Google had also bid. Microsoft has signed a deal with GitHub to acquire the site for $7.5 billion.

Financial news agency Bloomberg reports that Google CEO Diane Greene spoke about the deal during a Fortune Magazine event in the American city of San Francisco. “I wouldn’t have minded buying them, but it’s okay,” Greene said.

Earlier, it was rumored that Google had also been negotiating the purchase of GitHub, but the search giant did not want to confirm that at the time. Greene has not commented on whether or how much Google has bid for the site.

Over the years, GitHub is said to have received several takeover requests, including from Amazon, Atlassian and the Chinese Tencent. Microsoft announced three weeks ago that it plans to acquire GitHub for $7.5 billion in a deal expected to close by the end of this year.

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