Google allows third-party apps to show information in Now

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Google now allows developers to display content from their Android applications in its Now search and information system. More than thirty developers of popular services such as Runtastic, Shazam and Ebay already offer support.

Google announced this on Friday. The technology giant says the services are displayed in so-called cards, the various window parts of Google Now. The new cards will be released in the coming weeks.

The Now assistant displays information that is partly relevant to the user’s place and time. For example, the weather forecast can be shown, but also concert agendas or departure times of public transport. The service is already being offered to Android users.

For now, only Android developers of third-party apps can take advantage of the functionality. Google Now is also available for iOS and also for the Chrome browser on the desktop. It is not yet known if and when they will be able to use the modified cards.

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