GitHub responds to open letter from developers and promises improvements

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GitHub is responding to the open letter, which was signed by hundreds of developers in January. They are dissatisfied with the way the development platform handles suggestions and does not listen to new ideas. GitHub apologizes and promises improvements.

In its response, GitHub says it apologizes for the slow response to the frustrations and to the open letter, which was submitted to the site about a month ago. This indicates that a solution is being worked on and that improvements will be made in the coming weeks, specifically related to the suggestions in the open letter. GitHub further promises that new features will be added after that and that it has prepared some surprises.

There is also greater transparency, which should replace a lack of communication. GitHub wants to show its members more clearly what it is working on and what is planned for the future. Reactions to the announcement have been mainly positive, although many users respond by only posting a ‘thumbs up’. This is precisely what was raised as a problem in the open letter. Another problem is that new issues created by users often miss crucial information because there is no way to add it. The coming weeks will show exactly which improvements GitHub has planned.

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