Germans give iPhone SE appearance of iPhone 6 with fake housing

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ComputerBild’s German colleagues have used an iPhone 5 case with the iPhone 6 design for the new iPhone SE. They put all the parts of the SE in that housing and it worked: the device works.

The operation has made the iPhone SE look like a smaller version of the 6s. According to ComputerBild, it is not a project that anyone can just pick up. “If you’ve never opened a phone, you’ll probably fail.”

The trick works, because Chinese online stores sell fake housings for the iPhone 5 and 5s that have the design of the iPhone 6. You can get them for a few tens. Since the SE has the same dimensions as the 5 and 5s, it is possible to put all parts of the SE in that housing as well.

According to ComputerBild, it takes an hour to get all the small parts out of the SE and then another hour to get them all in the right place in the new case. In addition, extra tape is needed to keep the battery in place in the new housing.

The intervention makes the iPhone SE look like a smaller 6 or 6s. According to the magazine, the phone functions fine, although the buttons and the rest of the housing are of lesser quality than the original.

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