Gamer plays Dark Souls with cow pies as main weapon

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Can you beat the first Dark Souls using only cow pies? Streamer LilAggy, who is known for speedruns from Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, tried it out and managed to finish the game with Dung as his main weapon.

LilAggy avoided most of the enemies he encountered and went straight to the bosses to fight them. He also wore no armor, but he did use certain items and later in the game carried a shield.

The streamer bought the ‘dung pies’ in bulk, but used the manure in moderation. The cowpats cause the boss that is peppered to become more and more poisoned. If the boss’s meter is full and it goes into “poisoned” status, the boss will continue to lose hit points until he dies. How quickly a boss gains that status depends on its resistance to poison. The status lasts for ten minutes.

By avoiding the attacks of the strong enemies and letting the poisonous manure do its work, LilAggy managed to take out the bosses one by one. Poison-resistant bosses, such as the Iron Golem, had the streamer deploy other projectiles, including incendiary bombs. It took a total of 7.5 hours for LilAggy to complete the game with his self-imposed rules.

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