Fujitsu wants to introduce tablets with haptic feedback next year

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Fujitsu is working on a tablet with haptic feedback, where the user can ‘feel’ what is on the screen. To do this, the friction between the user’s finger and the glass is manipulated. The tablets should be released in 2015.

Fujitsu announced its plans at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, ​​where the company is also showing a prototype, Engadget writes. It would be an ‘ultrasonic system’ in which the ‘friction between the finger and the glass is manipulated’. This would allow users, for example, to feel the texture of an alligator’s skin.

Other examples Fujitsu gave are strumming a harp or turning a combination lock. In theory, the functionality could also be used to let users feel where the edges of buttons on the on-screen keyboard are, making typing easier. It is unclear whether Fujitsu’s technology is suitable for this. The first tablets should be released next year.

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