Download Firmware Western Digital WD TV Live 1.07.15

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Western Digital released new firmware for its WD TV Live media player a few days ago. The firmware has been given jersey number 1.07.15 and it is 120MB in size. There is a topic about this media player on the GoT forum and user experiences can be exchanged, among other things. This release fixes some issues and adds support for online content, which is however only accessible to users in the UK.

What’s in this update?

  • Supports Skitter TV internet television service
  • Supports MLB.TV
  • Resolved Get Content Info conflict caused by folders with similar names.
  • Resolved mp4 video freezing, audio sync and “Unsupported Message” issues.
  • Resolved unable to play MOV videos.
  • Resolved MKV video with FLAC audio does not play audio issue.
  • Resolved Vorbis audio in MKV container audio spikes during playback issue.
  • Resolved remote shortcut keys conflict with the onscreen keyboard during search.
  • Resolved movie thumbnail extremely grainy and pixilated.
  • Resolved rescan media library after every reboot.
  • Resolved BBC radio mute function does not unmute issue.
  • Resolved rescan Get Content Info does not refresh thumbnail issue.
  • Resolved movie backdrops do not display without network connection or after network disruption.
  • Resolved several Spotify user interface and translation issues.
  • Resolved Spotify popping and glitching sounds when skipping tracks issue.
  • Resolved Spotify tracks do not play when sharing playlist.
  • Resolved Yota Music intermittently hangs issue.
  • Resolved YouTube Leanback rebooting issue.
  • Resolved PlayJam unable to unmute issue.
  • Resolved WPS Network setup completed message looping.
  • Resolved ComedyTime Pause and Play will not work after FFW or RWD several times.
  • Resolved several language translation issues.

General information:

  • Blockbuster video download service will no longer be supported on the WD TV as of 3/31/2012. You will still be able to watch your purchased videos.
  • Mediafly will no longer be supported as of 3/31/2012.

Version number 1.07.15
Release status Final
Website Western Digital
file size


License type Freeware
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