Download Firmware Synology RT1900ac 1.1.2 build 6425.1

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Synology has released an update to version 1.1.2 of the firmware for its RT1900ac router. This device has excellent performance, extensive features and is easy to operate through a user interface similar to Synology Disk Station Manager. Version 1.1.2 includes support for VPN Plus added, a package currently in beta that Synology will likely charge for in the future, and updated GeoIP and url blocking databases. This update also fixes several bugs and security vulnerabilities.

Changes in version 1.1.2 build 6425 update 1

  • Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities regarding cURL (CVE-2016-8615, CVE-2016-8616, CVE-2016-8617, CVE-2016-8618, CVE-2016-8619, CVE-2016-8620, CVE-2016-8621, CVE -2016-8622, CVE-2016-8623, CVE-2016-8624, CVE-2016-8625).
  • Fixed an issue where SRM might fail to access the Internet after normal booting up.
  • Fixed an issue where the Firewall page might remains loading in certain condition.
  • Fixed an issue PPPoE will not retry if it failed to connect after rebooting Synology Router.
  • Fixed an issue where PPPoE might fail to access the Internet through certain ISPs in Japan.
  • Fixed an issue where IPTV might fail to work when IGMP Proxy is enabled.
  • Minor bug fixes.

Version number 1.1.2 build 6425.1
Release status Final
Website Synology
License type Freeware
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