Download Firmware Fujifilm GFX100 1.02

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Fujifilm has for its GFX100– digital system cameras released new firmware, with version number 1.02. These cameras have a medium-format BSI-CMOS image sensor of 102 megapixels on board and are suitable for lenses with a Fujifilm G mount. This update is approximately 105MB in size and can be loaded onto the camera via a memory card set. The brief list of changes looks like this:

Version 1.02

  • OFF setting is added to the switching function by pressing the DISP/BACK button of information display on the EVF.
  • The phenomenon is fixed that in the interval shooting, exposure mode (P/A/S/M) changes after the first frame.
  • The phenomenon is fixed that with the shooting conditions below, RAW images developed by application software become black.
    • ISO: 100 or less
    • Shutter speed: 50 min. or longer
    • Noise reduction: OFF
  • Fix or minor defects.

Version number 1.02
Release status Final
Website Fujifilm
License type Freeware
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