Download Firmware CyanogenMod CM12 nightlies

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The first Android 5.0 “Lollipop” based versions of CyanogenMod have become available. CyanogenMod is an open source operating system for smartphones and tablets. It is based on a bare-bones version of Android and adds additional functionality, including root access, shortcuts in the notification bar, an expanded lockscreen, and various themes for the interface. Furthermore, there are often performance improvements compared to the software supplied by a manufacturer.

CyanogenMod version 12 is still in an early state of development and not all components are working yet. At this point, about 85 percent would be ready and about thirty devices are supported. In the coming weeks, we will be working hard on the last parts and the number of supported devices will also be expanded. The release notes for this release are as follows:

The “L” is for Lollipop

In the CM11 M12 post, we mentioned that we were entering the beginnings of CM 12 work, based on Lollipop. Today, we are enabling CM12 nightlies to showcase how far we’ve come since. The full list of devices ready for tonight’s first rollout is further below.

We would like to note that at this point we consider ourselves 85% complete for our initial CM12 M release. We’ll spend the remainder of this month bringing up additional devices and finishing up the features you’ve come to love from CM11 – implementing them into the new Material UI.

At this point, the following large items are not implemented, but should be in the next few weeks. Some additional smaller tweaks are also missing, but left off this list:

  • Theme Engine
  • Quick Settings reorganization and customization
  • Quick Settings Ribbon Mode
  • Navigation bar reorganization and customization
  • Sound panel customization
  • Lock screen quick unlock

Astute Gerrit followers will note that some of the above are already in various states of code review, and patches are available if you’d like to build these features (work-in-progress) yourself at home. The command to sync CM12 sources is repo init -u -b cm-12.0

CM11 features aren’t the only thing we’re working on, with new features such as Ambient display, a brand new Messaging app, and some small tweaks including a weather option in the new Lollipop extended status bar. Our team is continuing to work on new additions and we have some big plans ahead for L.

The full device list for today includes:

  • bacon
  • d802
  • dlx
  • e975
  • e980
  • evita
  • falcon
  • find5
  • flo
  • ghost
  • hlte
  • hltespr
  • jewel
  • jfltevzw
  • klte
  • m7
  • m7spr
  • m7vzw
  • m8
  • mako
  • mondrian wifi
  • moto_msm8960
  • t6
  • t6spr
  • t6vzw
  • serrano3gxx
  • serranoltexx
  • shamu
  • v500
  • ville
  • vs985
  • Additional devices will trickle in as the days go on

All devices in this list are shipping with full hardware support for the essentials (Calls, WiFi, BT, GPS, Camera, etc). Depending on the device some additional hardware (niche) may not be functioning, eg. IR Support – but nothing that will impede your ‘daily driver’ usability. As always, these are nightlies, so there may be are bugs to be expected. Our JIRA for CM12 nightlies will be up and running tomorrow night .

With this initial push for CM12, we are also moving CM11 builds to a weekly status (every Sunday). With core efforts changing over to CM12, the 11 branch is seeing less frequent changes; therefore, needing less frequent builds. CM11 M13 is still on our roadmap, and will be the final CM11 build before we code-freeze the 11 branch.

With that, some words of wisdom:

  • This is an Android 5.0.1 Lollipop-based release – update your third party addons to ensure compatibility
  • The CM in recovery will ignore and remove incompatible applications from your system partition (these are usually non-CM apps that users have opted to install). You must install a compatible app (or app pack) to regain that functionality
  • You can flash CM12 nightlies directly from CM11 M12 or CM 11 nightlies (no need to wipe), provided you read and followed items 1 and 2
  • Once on CM12 nightlies, you cannot downgrade back to CM11 without wiping – if you are thinking of just exploring the release, then take a backup of your existing installation if you want to go back to it.
  • You’ll need an L compatible recovery

CyanogenMod 11 screenshots on a Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0.

Version number CM12 nightlies
Release status Alpha
Operating systems android
Website CyanogenMod
License type GPL
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